10 Most Disastrous Wrestling Heel Turns
3. Goldberg

Difficult though it is for us to conceive of in the post-Surivor Series 2016 era, everyone's favourite superhero Goldberg did, in fact, fight for the side of evil for a short period during WCW's dying, swerve-obsessed final days.
The turn itself came in June 2000 at The Great American Bash, where the former footballer aligned himself with the cast of The New Blood after screwing then-face Kevin Nash out of the World Heavyweight Championship in his match with Jeff Jarrett.
His character shift lasted for all of about two months (part of which he spent on the treatment table) before bookers in Atlanta came to the shocking realisation that fans had very little appetite for booing one of the biggest stars in the company's history.
Addressing his failed heel run on Stone Cold Steve Austin's podcast years later, Goldberg admitted that he found it difficult playing the role of a bad guy, on account of how it meant upsetting all the little ones who looked up to him as a hero. Aww.