11 Most Disturbing Family Member Angles In WWE History

6. Triple H Drugs And Marries Stephanie McMahon

Yes, I know it was their dastardly plan all along and that Triple H didn't really drug Stephanie on their wedding night, but at the time, this would have been considered one of the most disturbing angles in WWE history. Clearly, the main source of this angle's disturbing nature is in the writing: Triple H drugs Steph, steals her away from her fiancé Test, and brags about how many times he consummated the marriage. It's grisly, distressing stuff, and a storyline that (quite rightly) wouldn't fly these days. However, a terrible part of the angle that often gets overlooked is the reaction of the crowd, especially on the subsequent SmackDown. A pre-heel turn Stephanie is lambasted by the crowd as she begs for 'forgiveness' (for being date raped?) while a babyface Test toys with breaking up with her. Morals, eh? This Reddit post goes into further detail, and it's not pretty reading.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.