10 Most Effective Valets In WWE History

8. Stacy Keibler

Stacy Keibler Dudley Boys

Stacy Keibler is one of the rarities on this list to succeed as both a babyface and heel, proving to be adaptable in ways she does not typically get credit for.

As "The Duchess of Dudleyville", Stacy took over as valet for The Dudley Boyz and reinvigorated the team. She led them to WCW and WWE Tag Team Championships in what was essentially their last truly great run as a team in their first stint with the company.

She would regularly interject herself in matches on their behalf, even suffering spankings from Jeff Hardy and The Big Show, all for the sake of ensuring Bubba Ray and D-Von's victory.

She would then partner with Test, serving as both his valet and marketing manager. She was so likable that she ultimately turned babyface after two years as a villainess. 

Her girl next door persona lent her a great deal of sympathy from fans so when Test began treating her poorly, demeaning her every week, his heel heat grew exponentially. She became key in getting him over as one of the most detestable men on the Raw roster.

Whether guiding the Dudleys, enduring the chauvinism of Test or starring as Super Stacy while leading Hurricane and Rosey to tag team gold, she established herself as the modern equivalent to the 1980s valets.


Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for Match.com. He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.