10 Most Effective Valets In WWE History

7. Lana

Stacy Keibler Dudley Boys

WWE had not seen a truly great valet since the heyday of Stacy Keibler when Lana exploded onto television screens in 2014, alongside Rusev, a Bulgarian Brute of a Superstar determined to achieve dominance in professional wrestling. 

She was his mouthpiece and, as such, she was key to his success as a character.

Much in the way Brigitte Nielsen was as responsible for the viewer's hatred of Ivan Dragon in Rocky IV, her pro-Russian sentiment and inarguable arrogance infuriated fans.

Lana was able to generate the necessary reaction for the act, leading to some of the most heated midcard bouts in recent years. Whether it was a high-profile competitor like Big Show or Mark Henry challenging for Rusev's United States Championship, or a perennial midcarder like Jack Swagger, all of the Bulgarian Brute's opponents benefited from the sheer disdain audiences had for the villains.

WWE Creative unfathomably ruined the dynamic, pushing Lana as a babyface far before her effectiveness as a heel wore off, but nothing can take away from the success she had in that role and the fan fury she generated whenever she told audiences to "shu-tup!".


Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for Match.com. He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.