10 Most Embarrassing WWE Botches Ever

1. Vince McMahon’s Double Muscle Tear

WWE Royal Rumble Roman Reigns Paul Heyman Handcuff Botch

Consider everything you know about Vince McMahon in 2023, then try to understand just how angry he must've been whilst camped on the canvas at the 2005 Royal Rumble. Things had already gone wrong before he hit the scene; John Cena and Batista had accidentally tumbled out of the ring at the same time, which wasn't the planned finish.

People flapped, so Vince roared through the curtain and promised to sort things. On the way, he tore both of his quads and had to sit down on the mat as everybody wondered what was going on. McMahon had to be fuming, not least because his injury had been caused by somebody else's incompetence.

Cena, Batista and the refs had to be fearing his wrath.

There was none of that to come, at least not in the short term. Vince was carted off to hospital, Batista won as planned, and all was well that ended well. McMahon's muscles were in tatters though, and his pride took a beating too.

Do you agree? Are these the most embarrassing WWE botches ever? For more wrestling, check out 10 Worst WWE World Champions Ever - Where Are They Now? and 10 New Directions For WWE After SummerSlam 2023!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.