10 Most Embarrassing WWE Botches Ever

8. Paul Heyman’s Handcuff Woes

WWE Royal Rumble Roman Reigns Paul Heyman Handcuff Botch

Paul Heyman was probably cursing the company's props department following the filming of Roman Reigns vs. Kevin Owens at WWE's 2021 Royal Rumble event. Their 'Last Man Standing' effort was shot in front of the ThunderDome screens, but this was still a red-faced moment for Paul E.

At one point, Roman ended up cuffed to a bit of the lighting rig and unable to move. Heyman was supposed to swoop in, save the day, free Reigns and that'd help him win. That isn't what happened. Instead, Paul fumbled with the keys and couldn't release his 'Tribal Chief', so baffled referees had to stop the count and wait.

Yeah, that didn't do much for the drama of a 'Last Man Standing' scrap. Roman was visibly embarrassed by the whole thing, and Heyman was sweating buckets as the damn key just wouldn't work. WWE eventually got the result they wanted, but not before some real faffing about.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.