10 Most Embarrassing WWE Botches Ever

6. Papa Shango Misses His Cue

WWE Royal Rumble Roman Reigns Paul Heyman Handcuff Botch

Take a gander at Papa Shango's facial expression above. He's panicking, isn't he? No wonder, because the terrifying witch doctor had missed his cue to run in during the WrestleMania VIII main event between Hulk Hogan and Sid Justice. That, regrettably, meant Sid had to kick out of Hulk's leg drop.

Oh, brother!

In fairness to Shango, the entrance aisle for 'Mania that year was looooooong, but surely someone should've been paying attention behind the curtain and told Papa to start sprinting early. Or, maybe it is just his fault entirely - rushing out to break up a pin was standard practice, y'know.

So, Sid kicked out of Hogan's unstoppable finish, then Shango hit the ring anyway to awkwardly trade blows with a surely-irate Hulkster. Even a few short seconds made all the difference here, and they would've tanked the 'Mania headliner had everyone else not been on the ball.

Papa Shango was never the same.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.