10 Most Entertaining WCW Cruiserweights Of All Time

9. Juventud Guerrera

First gaining access to American audiences via the talent exchange between Konnan's Promo Azteca organization and Extreme Championship Wrestling, Juventud Guerrera was in the first wave of groundbreaking Mexican luchadores signed by Eric Bischoff to World Championship Wrestling. Guerrera's 450 splash finisher was instantaneously over, and a highlighted high-spot key in establishing the uniqueness of the division. However, Guerrera's entertainment qualities extended far beyond the ring in WCW (and oftentimes led to unfortunate moments that entertained for all of the wrong reasons, too. In 1998 he was unmasked by Chris Jericho, and by 1999, was calling himself "The Juice" (a parody of then-WWF star The Rock). Of course, by October 2000, he was arrested by police during a WCW tour of Australia for running naked through a hotel lobby while high on PCP. Always entertaining, as an in-ring performer, he may be one of the more ground-breaking performers of his era, though often going without mention for his exploits.

Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.