10 Most Expensive Wrestling Moves Ever

7. The Tragic Accident That Ended Droz's Career

Donald Trump Steve Austin WWE WrestleMania 23

Darren Drozdov forever seems like just a really good, solid dude.

Droz tragically had his wrestling career cut short due to a powerbomb spot going array in a match against D'Lo Brown at a SmackDown taping in October 1999. After landing on his head and fracturing two vertebrae in his neck, Droz was left paralysed.

In terms of highlighting how great a person Drozdov is, it's been said time and time again by various people how Droz's biggest concern later that night was consoling D'Lo and reassuring him it was not his fault. As the one-time Puke lay in a hospital bed, unable to move, he was more focussed on letting Brown know this was an accident and these things can happen in pro wrestling.

For WWE, the company gave Droz a guaranteed lifetime contract in the aftermath of this, assuring that the former NFL player would still receive a paycheck in the weeks, months and years that have followed this tragic accident.

Droz had spells writing for WWE.com and WWE Magazine, and he was also a regular presence on the WWE Byte This! online show when that was around. As far as is known, WWE stuck to their word and Drozdov is still on the company payroll to this day, over 22 years later.

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Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.