10 Most Fake Wrestling Weapons Ever

8. A Megaphone

The Mountie wtf

The Spirit Squad were a gang of male cheerleaders that gave Dolph Ziggler his start in WWE and were most famously used as henchmen for the McMahons during their feud with D-Generation X.

Alongside their overly chipper demeanour and absolutely lethal-looking toss finisher, the Squad also employed a megaphone as their signature weapon. Although, it wasn't a bulky one like Jimmy Hart used to have. It was very clearly made out of plastic that was about a tenth of an inch thick.

That didn't stop it from being treated as a deadly weapon in WWE. Shawn Michaels used it to great effect during his match with Vince McMahon at WrestleMania 22, fending off the cheerleaders as they tried to interfere.

Sure, it wouldn't be the best thing in the world to get hit with the megaphone, but would it really be enough to floor a fully-grown wrestler?

WWE definitely put style over substance with this choice, as the weapon fit the gimmick but didn't fulfil any other function. At least the Squad got some good practice in pretending to be hurt by it.

So that's why Ziggler is such a good seller!


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.