10 Most Fake Wrestling Weapons Ever

4. Guitars

The Mountie wtf

Popular, but not overused, a guitar creates one hell of a spectacle when cracked over a wrestler's head - the crash of the wood, the puff of smoke, the sight of the mangled instrument. It's the complete package.

The musical prop has become a key part of many a wrestler's personality. From The Honky Man to Jeff Jarrett to Elias, it has endured over the decades to become a much-loved trope of the sport.

Unfortunately, this motif is just like the vocals on modern pop tracks - heavily altered.

Wrestling guitars are heavily gimmicked. The rear of the instrument is made from much thinner wood than usual, allowing for that iconic sight of a victim wearing one round their neck like a garland of flowers.

It's not an exact science, as Jeff Jarrett himself once said, with some guitars "being harder than others".

One person who does not need telling this is Jake Roberts, who was once struck by one of Honky's trusty six strings. In those days, guitars weren't gimmicked, and Jake was left picking bits of wool out of his back "for weeks".

Not groovy.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.