10 Most Genuinely Frightening Moments In Wrestling History

7. The Undertaker Getting Concussed Against Brock Lesnar

The Undertaker Mankind Hell In A Cell King Of The Ring 1998

Arguably the most infamous match in WrestleMania history, the debates have raged since the moment Brock Lesnar ended the Undertaker's streak on whether or not it was the right call to make. Many think Lesnar didn't need the rub, that the honour of defeating The Deadman at WrestleMania should have went to an upcoming star who could have properly used it.

But regardless of your thoughts on the booking outcome, the match becomes all the more harrowing knowing that Undertaker was severely concussed throughout, losing his epic streak in a match that hospitalised him and which he has no memory of.

It is clear that Undertaker's not right from very early on in the match, stumbling around with confusion, staring out in the distance like he's not sure exactly where he is. Knowing what we know now, about the result of the match and his injury, it creates this indescribable sadness and horror over the entire contest.

It's the reminder that nothing lasts forever, that even underneath all the pageantry and transcendence of this business, the biggest star can still get knocked loopy and lose out on the biggest moment of their career. It is a terrifying, saddening moment.

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An autistic writer who just wants to make some money and have some fun talking about wrestling, movies and whatever else comes to mind.