10 Most Gloriously Overbooked Matches In Wrestling History

3. The McMahons Put On The Ultimate Wrestling Soap Opera

When explaining professional wrestling to a non-professional wrestling fan, it is not uncommon to compare the business to a soap opera. While the comparison does help to convey some of the more bombastic of wrestling storytelling moments, it is a comparison which also feels like an insult to some of the better moments of pro-wrestling storytelling. In the case of Vince McMahon vs. Shane McMahon, however, the comparison has never been more appropriate. Overbooking is just the natural order of things whenever you pit two non-traditional performers against each other in a wrestling ring, but this match turned the technique into art. From the very nature of the father vs. son showdown over control of the family business to the ending wherein the father€™s mistress aids the family€™s comatose mother in defeating the evil patriarch, every single dramatic moment of this contest is drawn straight from the daytime soap opera playbook. And that€™s ok. There is no reason that this match should have boiled down to a scientific wrestling encounter and the overbooking formula employed here was actually so delicately perfect that the company would spend years trying to recreate it with mixed results.

An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.