10 Most Godawful Celebrity Cameos In Wrestling History

6. Flo Rida

Social Outcasts Flo Rida

Whenever WWE brings in celebrities who are outside the world of sports, they're not expected to deliver the goods inside the ring. Really, we're all just happy if they don't slip and fall on the entrance ramp. But when the company puts you on TV to do the one thing your career is built on, you had damn well better execute. Flo Rida didn't get that message.

Leading up to WrestleMania 32, it was announced on an episode of Raw that a Flo Rida track would be used as the event's theme song, cutting to the "rapper" in the front row. Then the Social Outcasts invited him into the ring for a rap battle against Bo Dalls.

And Flo Rida blew it. Hard. After Bo's obviously pre-rehearsed - yet extremely clever - lines, he drops the mic, and the all eyes turn to Flo Rida, the professional recording artist who's been rapping for well over a decade. Then he fails to grasp at a rhyme scheme, forgets half his lines, and is somehow even slower on the mic than the guy who was purposefully over-enunciating everything.

It was kind of wonderful to watch, though, since this was clearly another instance where Vince wanted to bring in a celebrity outsider to embarrass one of this own guys.

How'd that work out, Vince?


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.