This is the big one. What's the justification behind this? In 2011, CM Punk beat John Cena for the WWE Championship and absconded with the belt, forcing Vince McMahon to fire John and hold a tournament for a new champion, and it wasn't exactly the most stellar line-up, consisting of Rey Mysterio, Dolph Ziggler, The Miz, Alex Riley, R-Truth, Jack Swagger, Alberto Del Rio and Kofi Kingston. Despite being essentially a tournament full of mid-carders, the fans were still jubilant when Rey Mysterio overcame The Miz in the final and was crowned WWE Champion for the first time in his long career. He'd finally done it! Enter John Cena. See, since Vinny Mac was relieved of his duties by Triple H, turns out Cena wasn't fired (he never is) and that Rey Mysterio would have to defend his newly-won title on the very same night, not even 2 hours after he was crowned. And Cena agreed to this?! Surely the noble thing to have done would have been to accept the match but have it happen next week, give Rey Rey a chance to rest up at least! But nope, nope nope nope. Johnny Boy took his shot at a fatigued Mysterio and dethroned him, a mere hour and a half into his first, and only, dalliance with the WWE Championship. Bafflingly, the two men shook hands in a display of 'sportsmanship' once the match was over. Did Rey get a rematch against Cena for the title? Ha. Of course not. Moral of the story: Gotta do me, buddy. Gotta do me.