10 Most Iconic WWE WrestleMania Images

7. Tyson Gives Way To The Austin Era (WrestleMania 14)

It's the celebrity connection that McMahon had been dying for since Mr. T stood alongside Hulk Hogan at the first WrestleMania. When Stone Cold Steve Austin and Mike Tyson rollicked and skirmished night after the Royal Rumble in 1998, news outlets picked up on the frenzy. Austin was the ascendant king and Tyson was media gold. The ensuing spark began turning eyes away from a stale WCW product.

Even without the knowledge that Shawn Michaels' back was as shredded as lettuce, people knew Austin was going to win his first WWE Championship come WrestleMania in March. With controversial Tyson looming outside the ring, how was the coronation going to play out?

Tyson's double-cross of Michaels, and fast count, seemed to confound the Boston crowd at first, but the follow-up image of "Iron Mike" raising the hand of belt-wielding Stone Cold (who for once could not hide his smile) remains an electric sight. That very image would supercharge an entire era with Austin's 'heroic malice' as the centerpiece.


Justin has been a wrestling fan since 1989, and has been writing about it since 2009. Since 2014, Justin has been a features writer and interviewer for Fighting Spirit Magazine. Justin also writes for History of Wrestling, and is a contributing author to James Dixon's Titan series.