10 Most Improved WWE Wrestlers Of 2015

6. Corey Graves

€œCorey gets the whole roster over and that€™s the key. The job that he€™s doing is so phenomenal that sooner than later, we€™re going to say that Joe Rogan is the Corey Graves of UFC.€ Paul Heyman, 2015.
Not being the biggest UFC fan means that I don't appreciate Joe Rogan or any of his undeniably outstanding work. But hearing Heyman saying comments like this can only be the highest praise imaginable for NXT's Corey Graves. The former NXT Tag Team Champion has made the transition from in-ring competitor to commentator look seamless and is easily the best WWE have to offer at the moment. He brings a legitimacy and more analytical approach that appeals to your older fan that no one else seemingly can at the moment. His transfer to Monday Night RAW in place of JBL has got to be round the corner? Surely? Corey is a throwback and seemingly comes from the school of Jim Ross when it comes to speaking about the action inside a WWE ring. He gives a real insight into why Superstars are hitting a certain move at a certain time, and hits the nail on the head time and time again at the climax of a match. Many used to accuse the NXT team of Graves, Rich Brennan and Byron Saxton of merely shouting down their head sets. The trio have improved so much that they've worked their respective ways up to the company's main shows. Graves has spearheaded that ascension and will only get better with more experience. In time - and I know this might be too early in his career to say this but I'm going to anyway - Corey Graves could go down as one of the greatest colour commentators ever.
Content Producer
Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.