10 Most Infamous WarGames Wrestling Controversies

9. Sid Purposely Tried To Injure Brian Pillman

Vince Russo WCW WarGames 2000

The WarGames structure isn't exactly the most forgiving of battlegrounds at the best of times.

But there's accidentally picking up a gnarly gash, broken bone, or torn muscle in the formidable environment and then there's one of your colleagues actually going out of their way to brutally inflict some legit damage under the steel roof.

That's precisely the scenario Brian Pillman found himself in when battling it out with Sid Vicious as Flyin' Brian, Sting, and the Steiners collided with The Four Horseman and Larry Zbyszko inside WarGames at WrestleWar '91.

At one point late in the brutal war between the teams, Sid could be found dumping Pillman right onto his neck during the execution of his powerbomb finisher. Far from this being an unexpected botch, though, Justice would later reveal that this was done entirely on purpose with the intention of injuring a star he'd not exactly been getting along with in real-life:

"...when we were in Phoenix for WarGames, he was running his mouth back there, so I drove him as hard as I could into the cage and as hard as I could into the mat to send him to the hospital."

And it still makes for a pretty disturbing watch some three decades on...


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...