10 Most Insane WWE Royal Rumble Spots Ever

2. Jeff Hardy's Swanton Bomb (2000)

Jeff Hardy Royal Rumble 2000
WWE Network

Looking back on spots like this only makes it even more ridiculous than Jeff Hardy can still walk, let alone still wrestle and perform his trademark Swanton Bomb. Back at the 2000 Rumble, Hardy's go-to finish was still called the 'Senton Bomb' though. Regardless of technicalities, his dive off the balcony in MSG was psychotic.

Somehow, back then, it made the rainbow-haired tag-teamer one of the coolest new kids on the block.

In the most emphatic way imaginable, both The Hardy Boyz and The Dudleyz decided to end their vicious tag Table Match by way of Jeff's suicidal head-first dive from the bleachers onto D-Von. Then, brother Matt picked him up and the pair celebrated their win as WWF staff busily began clearing the debris and readying for the next segment.

Watch that gif loop a few times and you'll notice Jeff's tail bone crack against the unforgiving arena floor. That had to hurt; there's no way D-Von and the table both crashed through broke Hardy's fall, and it makes one grateful that all these OTT bumps haven't destroyed his body.

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