10 Most Needlessly Elaborate WWE Finishing Moves Ever

5. Red Arrow (Neville)

Neville Red Arrow

Neville's Red Arrow is a sight to behold.

There's no refuting that the Geordie star gets some serious rotation on the move, and it's not one just anyone could perform. Pay attention to the move's conclusion though and you'll see that Neville is - for all intents and purposes - just delivering a glorified splash.

After all those bells and whistles, the Englishman crashes down on opponents chest-first. It's easy to be taken by the impressive flip, but it's true that Neville doesn't really have any need for it. He could quite easily jump off the top rope and land chest first without rotating.

That's something Val Venis used to do back in the day, and it had much the same effect. No, it doesn't look quite as flashy, but it had the same impact. Thankfully, Neville has stopped using the move since turning heel, because it's too 'nice' for a villain.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.