10 Most Needlessly Elaborate WWE Finishing Moves Ever

4. Mandible Claw With Mr. Socko (Mankind)

Mankind Mandible Claw

When Mick Foley's Mankind character first appeared in the WWF back in 1996, his Mandible Claw was a feared submission hold. Inserting fingers into the mouth of rivals and torturing them, the psychotic Mankind had one of the most deadly moves going. Then, he had to go and introduce a sock.

With growing popularity comes change, and Foley decided to bust out 'Mr. Socko' a few years after debuting. There was nothing fancy here, this was just a basic sweat sock (probably from a multi-pack, knowing how frugal the Mickster's reputation is) with a crude face drawn on. Socko was born, and fans loved it.

Now, the deadly Mandible Claw was altered to include pantomime moments like Foley reaching into his tights. This was teased numerous times during matches, as though the sock was a vital part of the move. It wasn't, and the thick material would have lessened the tightness of Mankind's grip anyway.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.