10 Most Needlessly Elaborate WWE Finishing Moves Ever

2. The People's Elbow (The Rock)

The Rock People's Elbow

It's stunning to think The Rock had the Rock Bottom in supply and yet he routinely chose to finish matches with The People's Elbow. If the former was quick and exciting, the latter was drawn out and made little sense logically. It was just an elbow drop, so how could it win so many matches?

Not only that, but Rocky would often take an age to drop the boom on anyone. Akin to Hulk Hogan's leg drop, The Rock needed to do some posing first. After slowly removing one elbow pad, waving his arms around like a lunatic and then running back and forth between the ropes (even jumping over grounded wrestlers in the process), he then finally hit the move.

At no point was it ever explained exactly why The People's Elbow was more destructive than a standard elbow drop. If anything, all that posturing let guys The Rock was trying to beat recover, so it shouldn't have resulted in so many victories.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.