10 Most Notorious Edge Urban Legends

8. Edge & Christian Weren't Supposed To Outshine Gangrel In The Brood

Story: A few short months after his debut on the main roster, Edge was joined by his good friend, Jay 'Christian' Reso, and the pair - then known as storyline brothers - would buddy up with Gangrel to form 'The Brood'. The vampiric faction were one of many around at the time, but the whole thing was set up solely to get Gangrel over with fans. It wasn't long after the group had formed however, that both Edge & Christian started to outshine their kayfabe superior, something which wasn't in the initial plans. The Canadian pals were simply installed into the gimmick as backup, followers of the leader Gangrel, but they'd go on to achieve - both collectively and as individuals - far more than their boss. Why People Believe It: The whole set up of The Brood seems to suggest that Gangrel was the focal point. After all, he was the one who performed 'blood baths', soaking his rivals in claret, and was definitely portrayed as the leader of the pack, the head vampire if you like. Should We Believe It: Yes, there's no doubt that whilst the WWF weren't exactly disheartened that both Edge & Christian got themselves over, eventually eclipsing Gangrel, the sharp-fanged grappler was supposed to be the one who would benefit most from the collective, something the company tried again with The Hardy Boys instead of Edge & Christian.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.