10 Most Notorious Kevin Nash Urban Legends

7. He Had Heat With Goldberg

The Legend: That Kevin Nash and Goldberg have heat stemming from their WCW days. Why People Believe It: Before Brock Lesnar became the 1 in 21-1, Kevin Nash pinning Goldberg at Starrcade 1998 was the most famous wrestling streak-ender. Big Daddy Cool was the first person to beat Goldberg since he burst onto the scene, following a Scott Hall taser gun assist. Now, Goldberg and Nash are both extremely outspoken and hold nothing back in interviews. However, most of the public mud-slinging comes from Nash, who seemed to have issues with how Goldberg reacted to his streak ending and the fact that the Fingerpoke of Doom happened a week later. Nash and Goldberg worked together harmoniously in both WCW and the WWE in the years following the streak-ending match, but in recent times Nash has piped up in shoot interviews questioning whether or not Goldberg was actually as big a star as he thought he was while also defending the decision to have him be the one to end the 173-0 streak. Is It True: It's not really heat, more Nash being exasperated by the accusations that he helped to bring about WCW's demise and trying to defend himself. It's also well-known that Goldberg cold be an issue to deal with at the time and was very protective of his character, so that might have had something to do with it, too.
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Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...