10 Most Notorious Kevin Nash Urban Legends

5. He Faked An Injury To Avoid Losing To Chris Sabin

The Legend: That Kevin Nash faked an injury to avoid doing the job to Chris Sabin on a 2006 TNA PPV. Why People Believe It: Nash is a master politician and it's not outside the realms of possibility that he'd want to avoid doing a high-profile job, especially to a smaller X division guy like Sabin. Nash called the TNA office two days before the PPV and informed them that he had suffered a neck injury while moving furniture at his home and would not be able to wrestle. Hmmmm. Nash and everyone else in TNA was well aware that Big Sexy was going to be doing the J-O-B that night, since Nash had spent the last few months running down the X division wrestlers. The timing certainly was suspect and reminded people of Nash's WCW and WWE politicking. Nash was replaced in the match with Alex Shelley. Is It True: Although many were sceptical, it was never proven that the Nash injury was fake/embellished. He remained out of the ring for a couple more months but managed to sidestep the Sabin job upon his return, since the storyline had moved on. This one rests on your opinion of Nash and his capacity for backstage politicking.
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Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...