10 Most Notorious Kurt Angle Urban Legends

2. He Used Anabolic Steroids

The Story: That Kurt used anabolic steroids throughout his professional wrestling career. The Evidence: Angle's body noticeably changed during his WWE career. When he debuted in 2000, he was positively jacked, with massive neck and trap muscles. He got noticeably smaller once WWE implemented the Wellness Policy in 2006. He lost a lot of weight, which the commentators referenced. But the time he was wrestling on the ECW brand in the summer of 06, Angle probably weighed about thirty pounds less than when he debuted with the company. This led many to believe that Angle had been using steroids. Speaking about his steroid use in a 2009 interview with the Philadelphia Inquirer, Angle said:
Have I used steroids before? Yes, I have, after I broke my neck and lost three inches in this arm and two and a half in this one due to loss of circulation.
Angle failed a WWE wellness test in 2006 when it was found that his prescription for deca-durabolin had expired. In March 2007, Sports Illustrated published two articles which named Angle as a recipient of steroids and HGH from an online pharmacy. Angle denied the claims and stated that he did not improperly receive prescriptions but that he had used the drugs to help recover from a broken neck, not for performance-enhancing reasons. Is It True: Yes. Angle has admitted to it. As well as using the drugs for recovery, he stated in a 2009 interview that he 'did what he had to do' to become a star in wrestling. In the early 2000s, it was obvious that about eighty percent of the active roster were on the gas. It was normal at the time.
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Kurt Angle
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Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...