The Story: That Kurt Angle had heat with the Heartbreak Kid, stemming from their series of matches in 2005. The Evidence: Michaels and Angle had some absolutely outstanding matches together in 2005. But while it may have been magic in the ring, backstage things could be a little bit tense at times. Apparently Michaels was not happy with Angle's stiffness. Here's what Angle had to say in a 2008 interview:
I'd wrestle Shawn Michaels and Id get a little rough with him, then Id get heat from Vince McMahon because I beat up on Shawn too Im like: Well you know what, Im tired of the two long-haired sissies. If they cant go up against me then dont put them up against me'.
Former WWE writer Alex Greenfield backed this up in a 2013 interview:
(Shawn) tried this sh-t with Angle one night; Angle wasn't having it, and threw him around like a rag-doll. I remember I was supposed to do some sort of stand-up interview, a backstage deal with Angle afterward, and Shawn comes up like a house of fire, like 'You were taking liberties!'
Angle was always ultra-intense between the ropes and Shawn, who wasn't necessarily knowing for being stiff, clearly didn't like or appreciate that. Is It True: Yes and no. Angle may have been dismayed with Shawn Michaels and Triple H complaining about his intensity and pace, but he's also claimed numerous times that he liked both guys and that they were two of the very best he worked with. Sounds like more of a 'heat of the moment' thing than anything too serious.