10 Most Notorious Kurt Angle Urban Legends

7. He Almost Signed With ECW In 1996

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhgL_AHXYMY The Story: That Kurt Angle, fresh off of his Olympic triumph, almost signed with the controversial ECW in 1996. The Evidence: Kurt made a one-off appearance for ECW when the league visited his home state of Pittsburgh on October 26th 1996. Angle, who was a big deal following his Olympic gold medal win, came out and did a short in-ring interview for the live crowd, as well as providing commentary on the Taz/Little Guido match. Everything was going smoothly until Raven decided to 'crucify' The Sandman in a controversial angle. Even the hardcore ECW fans, who were used to seeing all manner of debauchery, were eerily quiet for the blasphemous stunt. None were more offended than Angle, who felt the incident could harm his public reputation and future career prospects. According to the documentary The Rise and Fall of ECW. Angle got up and went directly to Paul Heyman, told him that he expected a cheque and that if his name or likeness were shown on television alongside the crucifiction angle that Heyman would be hearing form his attorneys. Raven went out later in the evening and apologised if he had offended. Angle never appeared for the original ECW again. Is It True: No. Angle just did the spot because it was close to home and it was an easy payday. Angle didn't have any intention of becoming a pro-wrestler in 1996 and only thought about it years later during the peak of the Attitude Era when he saw Stone Cold Steve Austin on TV.
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Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...