10 Most Notorious Scott Steiner Urban Legends

2. He Tried To Remove DDP's Eye During A Backstage Fight


The Legend: That Scott Steiner tried to remove DDP's eye when the two got into a backstage fight at a Nitro taping in 2000.

Why People Believe It: Page and Steiner had a lot of heat with each other in the dying days of WCW. Scott was p***ed off because Page's wife and manager Kimberly almost got Tammy 'Sunny' Sytch fired. Kimberly found drug paraphernalia backstage and told management that it belonged to Sytch, a recovering drug addict. Sytch denied it and offered to take a test on the spot (which she passed). When short-fused Scotty got wind of this he literally chased Kimberly out of the building. At the next taping, Steiner cut a shoot promo on Page, which further enraged him. He felt he had to stand up to Scott so he waited for him by the curtain for when he finished. There are many versions of the story floating around but the most consistent is that Page, after some heated verbal exchanges, either threw a sucker punch or tried to get Steiner in some sort of front facelock. Big mistake. The two men were separated but Steiner broke free of those holding him back and went completely berserk. Steiner pounded on DDP and apparently tried to remove Page's eye, an old trick taught to wrestlers in the '80s in order to 'handle themselves' with rowdy fans. Why you would ever start a fight with Scott Steiner of all people is anyone's guess.

Is It true: There are many accounts of this backstage fight but most seem to remember the attempted eye-removal. DDP has tried to claim that the fight was close before Steiner got his hands on him properly but most who were there refute that version of events.


Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...