10 Most Notorious Scott Steiner Urban Legends

1. He Wants To Kill Hulk Hogan And Was Banned From The WWE Hall Of Fame Ceremony

Steiner Ban1
PW Mania

The Legend: That Scott Steiner allegedly threatened to kill Hulk Hogan and was subsequently banned from WWE's 2015 Hall of Fame ceremony.

Why People Believe It: Following WrestleMania 31, pictures from backstage at the 2015 Hall of Fame ceremony circulated which showed a piece of paper that was taped backstage that had Scott Steiner's picture on it. Apparently Steiner had been banned from the ceremony and security were ordered to make sure he didn't enter. The reasons as to why remained clear until a few days later when details surfaced. According to reports, Steiner had confronted Hulk Hogan's wife Jennifer at the San Jose airport, put his hands on her and told her that he was going to kill her husband. Shaken by the incident, Jennifer (who had no idea who Steiner was) informed Hogan, who then informed WWE and the police. According to TMZ, the police were investigating Steiner for 'felony terrorist threats' and were reviewing CCTV footage. Steiner refuted the claims, saying that he only told Jennifer that he thought it was wrong that Hogan was inducting Savage into the Hall of Fame when Savage notoriously hated Hogan and that he never put his hands on her.

Is It True: Does it sound like something Steiner would do and say? Absolutely. Has Hogan been knowing for stretching the truth in the past? Of course. This past June, Steiner insisted it was baloney - pointing to CCTV proving his innocence. He also lambasted WWE for "taking the side of a racist." Hogan has since remained mum on the affair.

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