10 Most Notorious Scott Steiner Urban Legends

4. He Took Liberties With Smaller Opponents In The Ring

The Legend: That Scott and Rick Steiner routinely went into business for themselves and took liberties with opponents during tag matches.

Why People Believe It: The Steiners had a very realistic style, especially for the era that they regularly teamed. They seamlessly blended amateur mat wrestling with brutal strikes and suplexes. They looked incredibly believable in an era where a lot of guys did not. Coming from legit amateur backgrounds, the Steiners knew how to handle themselves in the ring if the situation called for it. They had a reputation for stretching and suplexing opponents at will when they joined WCW in 1989. A lot of guys didn't like that and felt the brothers were being unprofessional. Rick Steiner, in particular had a reputation for being rough with guys in the ring (and backstage). On three consecutive Nitros in 2000 he appeared to use excessive force when wrestling Big Vito, Lash Leroux, and Konan. He did it just because he could. On an independent show in 2005, Rick's bullying behaviour backfired when he tried to shoot in Vordell Walker, only for Walker to turn the tables and get Steiner on the ground.

Is It True: Yes, but to what extent is a matter of debate. Wrestler testimony seems to suggest that it was more Rick than Scott but Scott undoubtedly worked stiff with some guys and used his power and wrestling skill to 'put them in their place'.


Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...