10 Most Notorious Vader Urban Legends

7. Was Tortured By The Yakuza In Japan

Story: Whilst working for the Japanese promotion NOAH in 2003, Leon White was ambushed by the Japanese mafia. Known as the 'Yakuza', the crime unit targeted the big North American, stabbing him multiple times in an unprovoked attack. At the time, there were questions asked of Mitsuharu Misawa, who was rumoured to have connections to the Yakuza. Suffering wounds to his arms, stomach and legs, Vader would subsequently withdraw from his tour with the company and return home. The official word was that he had pulled out due to a recurring knee injury. Why People Believe It: The story has been around for years on the internet, and is a popular story on various rumour websites and articles. Leon White himself has kept quiet about the incident, which - if it did indeed happen - is likely a very shrewd move. Should We Believe It: This one is shrouded in mystery. It's perhaps unfair to question the reasons why the attack happened, without fully knowing whether or not it did for certain. One thing is known, Vader did cut his time in Japan short during 2003, which only fanned the flames on the rumour mill.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.