10 Most Notorious WWE Squash Matches

5. Ultimate Warrior vs. Triple H - WrestleMania XII

After a four-year absence, the Ultimate Warrior returned to the WWE for a WrestleMania 12 showdown with a certain young blueblood by the name of Hunter Hearst Helmsley. Clearly Warrior€™s return would be a triumphant one, but in what was Triple H€™s first-ever WrestleMania, this could have been a chance to build the young newcomer with a brave and valiant losing effort. Instead though, Warrior scored the victory in just over a minute and a half. The match itself was memorable for Warrior€™s unabashed€”and admittedly scripted€”no-selling of the Game€™s Pedigree. Moments later, he had downed Triple H, before pressing and splashing his flailing opponent to win with a lackadaisical pin. No-selling a finisher is one of the biggest blows a pro wrestler can be dealt€”especially in your WrestleMania debut. Clearly it didn€™t do Trips too much harm though, in fact it€™s pretty impressive to consider dominant the move has since become despite this minor hiccough.

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