10 Most Notorious WWE Squash Matches

3. Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena - SummerSlam 2014

Clocking in at 16 minutes and six seconds, there€™ll be plenty who refuse to believe this was a squash match. But given the overwhelming one-sidedness of the match, I think it€™s fair to classify this one as such. Lesnar was completely and utterly dominant throughout, hardly giving Cena a look-in. We€™ve all heard of the 16 suplexes that Lesnar delivered, not to mention the pair of F-5s. Not only was it incredibly shocking to see such a landslide victory in a WWE title match, but the fact that it came against the posterboy of the company€”the seemingly invincible SuperCena€”made this one all the more emphatic and memorable. Much like the Lesnar€™s aforementioned match with the unfortunate Zach Gowen, this was a smart way of adapting a squash match into something less conventional, but equally€”if not more€”effective. It was a truly monumental display, one that may never be repeated, and quite frankly an awesome piece of booking from the WWE.

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