10 Most Over-Rated Wrestlers Of 2015

3. Bray Wyatt

One of the most chilling talkers currently under contract to WWE, Bray Wyatt has a definite upside, as Jim Ross would say. Unfortunately, there are also negatives which are desperately taking away from his ability to get over. Wyatt is a weird entrant on this list, because he's someone most wrestling fans would consider an excellent performer. Some may even feel it's harsh to call him over-rated. But it's not really fans who over-rate Bray's ability, it's WWE themselves, and they do so in a strange fashion. Wyatt is pushed, but not in a conventional, logical sense. On television, he crows about being the 'New Face Of Fear', challenging the legacies of men like The Undertaker, and getting in programs with others like Roman Reigns and now The Dudley Boyz. Sadly for Bray Wyatt, he isn't booked to back up his words. WWE seem to over-rate the idea that fans will look past wins and losses when it comes to him, which isn't really the case. Wyatt is rarely allowed to come out on top against his rivals, which makes him look foolish for waxing lyrical about being the top dog. This is made worse by the fact he has 3 huge men, Luke Harper, Erick Rowan and Braun Strowman to back him up.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.