10 Most Over-Rated Wrestlers Of 2015

4. Baron Corbin

Baron Corbin has a lot of attributes which appeal to WWE officials. First and foremost, he's a big physical presence, which always helps in the company. WWE have made admirable steps to move away from typecast monsters of yesteryear, but it's fair to assume that Vince McMahon still enjoys the thought of those larger-than-life figures on his television shows. At 6ft 8 inches, Corbin is certainly that. Take away his height and tattoos, however, and there's not much left beneath the surface. Generally speaking, Corbin is someone many fans expect to be moved up to the main roster from NXT as soon as possible. It does seem to only be a matter of time, but where will he fit in once he gets there? During his feud against Bull Dempsey earlier this year, he didn't exactly excel on the microphone, causing question marks over his suitability. The man has a dull, monotonous voice, there's little character to it. Aside from his size and slightly menacing look during his entrance, there isn't much to the Baron Corbin package. He's 31 years of age, which isn't old, but his promo game should be a lot stronger by now. He's by no means a complete package, despite what some in WWE (and some fans) may think. There's nothing to suggest Corbin will be able to race up the cards on the main roster, which makes how some fans talk about him confusing.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.