10 Most Overrated Wrestlers Of The '90s

1. Kevin Nash

Kevin Nash WCW World Champion

Remember how Diesel initially came into the fray as a bodyguard for Shawn Michaels? That's probably where he should have stayed.

It's not that Nash couldn't have any decent matches in the WWE, it's that he couldn't have any decent matches with anyone except Michaels or Bret Hart, because those two carried him across the finish line each time.

He's just a big guy who can deliver a convincing power bomb, so who needed him around once Vader came into the picture? It may not have looked this way at the time, but it was ultimately for the better of the WWE product that Nash decided to pack up and leave for the WCW.

As for his nWo run, talk about being in the right place at the right time. The thing many fans choose to misremember about the nWo is how awkward the majority of Nash's promos were before Hogan came into the fold and took over as a mouthpiece.

So, to recap: boring in the ring, not so great on the mic, and to boot, was one of the most narcissistic, self-promoting guys in the business. Why was everyone so gaga over this dude back in the day?


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.