10 Most Overrated Wrestlers Of The '90s

2. Hulk Hogan

Kevin Nash WCW World Champion

Just to be clear, we're not talking about the Hulk Hogan of the Rock N' Wrestling era. We're talking post-No Holds Barred, second-run, won't-get-out-of-the-way Hulk Hogan, whose only purpose in the WWE was to steal the spotlight away from up-and-coming talent like Bret Hart.

He did a lot for the industry in the '80s, turning WWE into a hugely marketable promotion. But while Hulkamania may have gotten all of the credit, he had a lot of help. A lot of help. Guys like Roddy Piper and The Iron Sheik made him look like a million bucks and turned him into the industry's Superman. It's just too bad Superman couldn't learn a few new moves every few years to keep things fresh.

People rightfully give Hogan a lot of guff for his limited move set, but in his earlier days, he actually had a more extensive repertoire. It wasn't until he moved to the top of the card that Hogan became famous for his 5 Moves of Doom and repetitive 'Hulking up'. His promos became equally tedious, with the same well-worn catchphrases filling up 99 percent of his dialogue.

Hogan's run with WCW wasn't much better, either. His in-ring performance declined even more somehow, and once the shock value of his allegiance to the nWo wore off, there really wasn't much left of the character to celebrate.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.