10 Most Overrated Wrestlers Of The '90s

3. Goldberg

Kevin Nash WCW World Champion

Spear. Jackhammer. 1, 2, 3. Such is the legacy of Bill Goldberg.

Like many of the other limited performers in this list, it's not hard to see why audiences gravitated toward Goldberg during his monstrous run with WCW. He was a superhero, running over everyone who got in his way. And as the bodies of fallen opponents stacked up, his legend grew

It's just rather unfortunate that his legacy amounts to the three moves mentioned above wrapped up in a cloud of smoke and pyro. His ridiculous winning streak often seemed to be the only thing holding the legend of Goldberg together. A crack in his invincible armor at any time would have totally derailed his gimmick and left the creative team scrambling for another way to make him interesting.

He couldn't cut a promo longer than 30 seconds without someone else there to prop him up. He couldn't have a match longer than three or four minutes without revealing his major in-ring flaws. Goldberg was a machine, for sure, but how do you make the same, unchanging machine interesting for four years? Quite frankly, you don't.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.