10 Most Patriotic American WWE Wrestlers Ever
9. Jack Swagger
The All-American American would rank higher on this list if he had been more successful in his patriotic travails. While Jack Swagger boasted from the get-go that he was the All-American American, he never really became a patriotic character until he partnered with Zeb Colter to form the Real Americans (later joined by Cesaro).
As the Real Americans, Colter and Swagger were espousing a different king of patriotism, a jingoistic, anti-everyone else sentiment that resonates more with the conservative Tea Party rather than a general pro-American feeling. However, that would change in one fell swoop when the duo would come out to confront Rusev and Lana, making a stand for America.
Unfortunately, Swagger never could beat Rusev, and the red-hot reaction for his face turn quickly dissipated. Today, Swagger still is a good guy, but hes rarely seen on television.