10 Most Pointless World Champions In WWE History

1. Rey Mysterio (2011)

Rey Mysterio WWE Title

WWE had a meaty story on their hands when CM Punk beat John Cena at Money In The Bank 2011 and left the company (due to a kayfabe contractual lapse) with the WWE Title in his grasp. Unfortunately for all concerned, the situation was convoluted beyond belief shortly afterwards.

A tournament designed to crown a new champion was set up by Vince McMahon. Won by Rey Mysterio, that was quickly followed by another title bout pitting Mysterio against Cena, and the latter came out on top to further his 'Champion vs. Champion' affair opposite Punk at SummerSlam.

Smack bang in the middle of this, the hard-working Mysterio was left cold by holding the WWE Title for such a criminally short period. The masked man was collateral for the extension of Punk vs. Cena into SummerSlam, even though it was clear his title win had been popular with fans.

Rey's inclusion on this list is through no fault of his own. He was merely written as makeweight in someone else's storyline when his first taste of the WWE Title deserved more than that.


Which other WWE World Champions would you deem pointless? Let us know what you think down in the comments section below!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.