10 Most Pointless WWE Tag Team Breakups Ever

2. Rusev Day

The IIConics


How or why Vince McMahon refused to see the brilliance of Rusev continues to baffle fans and critics alike to this very day. The man was a complete performer. He had the character-work, the promo, the wrestling skills, you name it. No matter what gimmick WWE gave him, he found a way to make it work. Yet every single time he had the rug pulled from under his feet.

This was never more true than during the Rusev Day run. The Bulgarian Brute alongside Aiden English was pure gold. From the weird songs hyping up Rusev to the in-ring work, this act had it all. And most importantly, it became wildly popular. Rusev Day was selling out merchandise, the chants were taking over segments they weren’t even involved in, and all the signs were loud and clear: push them to the moon.

Because it was WWE and they don’t like things that they can’t claim to be their own idea, Rusev and English were never allowed the spotlight they deserved. After a series of tag and midcard title feuds, the two eventually fell out over some sex tape angle. There wasn’t even any kind of proper feud between the former partners, rendering it all one big waste of time. Why Vince, why?

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The IIconics
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After battling Galactus and pinning Hulk Hogan in the main event of Wrestlemania, I've taken a break from living in fantasy worlds, to focus on writing about them. I'm a comic book geek, a wrestling mark, a break dancer, and a scientist. One of those things may not be true.