10 Most Popular WWE Matches On YouTube

1. John Cena & The Rock vs. Awesome Truth

The Great Khali Rey Mysterio WWE YouTube

Event: Survivor Series 2011

Uploaded: 3 years ago

Views: 225m


In just three short years, WWE has amassed an astonishing 225 million views for The Rock's comeback match at Survivor Series 2011. This was his first wrestling match since 2004, and saw Hollywood Dwayne team with John Cena vs. The Miz and R-Truth in front of a paying crowd who couldn't wait to see a People's Elbow/Eyebrow/Strudel.

OK, maybe not the latter.

Bell-to-bell, there's certainly nothing outrageously great about this basic tag-team match. Everyone kept things straightforward for the returning Rocky, and he was protected by having Cena do a lot of the heavy lifting vs. the heels. 225 million customers can't be wrong though, right?

You're maybe raising an eyebrow of your own seeing this in the top spot. The most popular video overall on WWE's YouTube channel is still Randy Orton getting intimate with a prone Stephanie McMahon in front of a handcuffed Triple H from 2009. That has 317m views, but it isn't a full wrestling match so R-Truth wins.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.