10 Most Popular WWE Matches On YouTube

9. The Great Khali vs. Rey Mysterio

The Great Khali Rey Mysterio WWE YouTube

Event: SmackDown (12 May 2006)

Uploaded: 6 years ago

Views: 150m

Did you expect to see The Great Khali not once but twice in WWE's most popular YouTube bouts? The first one racked up no less than 150 million (and counting) views, and it really shows the strength of a big man vs. little man thumbnail. People tripped over themselves to see Rey Mysterio go erm..nose-to-nose with a giant.

In execution, the match was more of a squash punctuated with obnoxious JBL commentary and interference. Being honest, that was probably for the best - Khali was never going to post properly for Rey's whirlwind hurricanrana spots, was he? This was a SmackDown attraction that looked tastier on paper back in 2006.

It's short too. The whole match clocks in at approx three minutes, and Mysterio barely gets a lick in before being shut down by Bradshaw's punch and Khali's monster act. Somewhere, a disgraced former wrestling monopolist could be heard laughing and saying, 'That's good sh*t!'.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.