10 Most Popular WWE Matches On YouTube

8. World Title Battle Royal

The Great Khali Rey Mysterio WWE YouTube

Event: SmackDown (20 July 2007)

Uploaded: 10 years ago

Views: 153m

Khali strikes again!

This time, the giant grabbed the vacant World Heavyweight Title by winning a 20-man Battle Royal on the 20 July 2007 edition of SmackDown. Others in contention for the strap included Batista, Mark Henry, Kane and such industry-shaking luminaries as Jimmy Wang Yang, Shannon Moore and a pre-Edgeheads Brett and Brian Major.

Yeah, this was 1995 Royal Rumble levels of roster depth. Things were obviously a little thin on the ground for SmackDown in the summer of '07 if some of these lads were thrust into the World Title mix; even in a multi-man fray like this.

Khali emerged with the belt and held it for around 60 days before dropping to Batista come Unforgiven. Just as well, because the only ones unforgiven around here would've been WWE's creative team had they stretched his World Title reign into the following year. Nobody needed that kind of torture heading into 2008.

153 million views isn't to be sniffed at though.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.