10 Most Popular WWE Matches On YouTube

6. Braun Strowman vs. Bobby Lashley

The Great Khali Rey Mysterio WWE YouTube

Event: Raw (3 June 2019)

Uploaded: 5 years ago

Views: 157m

OK, this might be cheating, but here goes.

Braun Strowman vs. Bobby Lashley was promoted as an arm wrestling match on the 3 June 2019 flagship though, so yours truly is taking the word "match" and running all the way to the end zone with it. Touchdown, six points and an impressive number of YouTube views for Braun and Bobby boy.

They racked up 157 million of the things by clasping fists and pretending to struggle in front of one seriously bored live crowd. Seriously, this was not workable inside the arena, but it must've translated well enough on TV for so many folks to click and check it out in the five years since.

YouTube loves it some arm wrestling, because another such bout between John Cena and Mark Henry (from the 4 February 2008 Raw) currently has 135m views on WWE's channel. It just missed out on a place in the top 10. What's the fascination with arm wrestling!?


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.