10 Most Popular WWE Matches On YouTube

7. The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar

The Great Khali Rey Mysterio WWE YouTube

Event: SummerSlam 2015

Uploaded: 4 years ago

Views: 154m

Ah yes, time for a truly classic WWE feud.

The Undertaker and Brock Lesnar first showcased their insane amount of in-ring chemistry during an initial run in 2002. WWE liked it so much they decided to come back to 'Taker vs. Brock countless times during both of Lesnar's stints in the promotion. At SummerSlam 2015, they had some laugh.

Literally. This is the bout that spawned The Undertaker's iconic 'sit-up and giggle' meme. You've surely seen it on Twitter/X, and might've even used it in a chat thread or two since. When they weren't breaking the internet, 'Taker and Brock worked a typically snug main event that ended the pay-per-view on a high.

Looking back, this was the last vestige of 'Deadman' brilliance. He'd have some more bright spots afterwards, but it was largely all downhill in terms of match quality after the latest Lesnar feud ended. Contrast and compare this to his bout vs. Goldberg, for example.

Sorry for making you shudder!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.