10 Most Punchable Faces In Wrestling Today
7. Corey Graves
It’s tough to tell what’s happening here: does Corey Graves play the heel commentator role to perfection, or is he just a very annoying man? Graves has a lot of aggravating attributes: a dress sense your dad would grumble about, an unshakable smirk, and an insistence on greeting the camera with prayer hands that, once you notice it, will never not wind you up.
It’s on the mic that he’s at his worst, though. While his calls in isolation are perfectly fine, the sheer amount he speaks is becoming increasingly irritating. It’s become worse with Jimmy Smith as Raw’s play by play guy. Graves has a tendency to talk across Smith, jumping in on introductions and dominating the airwaves. The idea the viewer gets is that Graves feels he deserves the lead job, and resents this outsider for taking it.
This, combined with his perennially arched eyebrow and - let’s not mince words - stupid haircuts makes Graves the most sockable commentator on WWE’s roster. And when you’re the employer of one Michael Cole, that’s saying something.