10 Most Radical Wrestling Makeovers

6. The Booty Man To The Disciple

Festus To Luke Gallows 2

In truth, you could probably come up with a list of 10 wrestling makeovers comprised exclusively of gimmicks used (and then abruptly ditched) by Brutus Beefcake, who could never quite settle on one character.

But arguably the most radical of them - at least in terms of physical appearance - was the one that he underwent during his time in WCW in the late-1990s, when he transitioned from The Booty Man, so named because of his fixation with his bum, to The Disciple.

A Disciple of whom, you may be wondering, the answer of course being Hulk Hogan. Beefcake, having been a long-time, real-life friend of The Hulkster, started portraying a character that worshipped at the nWo leader's feet, sporting black, biker-themed attire by way of homage.

Given that he had previously been wrestling in bright-coloured (and, obviously, super tight) pants - and, prior to that, as The Zodiac, black and white face-paint - this was a pretty substantial departure.

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