10 Most Radical Wrestling Makeovers

4. Matt Hardy To Woken Matt

Festus To Luke Gallows 2

Matt Hardy has become one of wrestling's great character actors over recent years, but you don't have to go back very far to find The Woken One in the role of a bland babyface whose defining personality attribute was that he was the "sensible" brother.

In fact, Matt was so vanilla prior to his Impact awakening that various attempts to turn him into an arrogant heel - outside of a brief spell as "Version One" in 2003 - largely fell flat. Even when he launched vicious, personal attacks on Jeff, it just seemed like the feeling wasn't really there.

None of that is to imply that he's ever been a poor worker. For years, he was one of the great unsung heroes of the WWE midcard alongside the likes of Shelton Benjamin and Carlito - but it was the lack of a unique selling point that kept him from grasping the brass ring.

The radical makeover he underwent in 2016, the end-game of which being his hugely popular Broken/Woken gimmick, helped turn around his fortunes in the ring. Suddenly, he had impetus, a reason for people to care - something that is hard to come by for performers who have been around so long.

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Luke Gallows
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